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The Holy and the Broken

When dehumanisation and destruction become the norm, the cycle must be broken

The Holy and Broken is now available for preorder:

Available in paperback, Kindle, and as an Audiobook


Tess Woods, Australian Author

I was grief stricken after the horrors of Oct 7 2023 followed by the horrors of Israel’s response on Gaza. As an Arab with Palestinian roots I felt isolated from my own community because of my belief in a shared land being the only way forward. Then a friend pointed me in the direction of From Yarra River to the Mediterranean Sea podcast and I discovered Ittay Flescher and Hannah Baker.

From the first episode of the podcast I was comforted by their humanity, intellect and inherent kindness. After listening to a few episodes I emailed Ittay to say how moved I was to hear a podcast that spoke of peace instead of vengeance.

In Ittay’s reply, he told me he was writing a book based around his experiences of the Israel/Palestine conflict and I asked if I could see the first chapter. I was blown away by Ittay’s beautiful and raw writing and just knew his words had to be published and read widely. 

So I forwarded on his manuscript to my dear friend, publisher Mary Rennie at HarperCollins Australia. Mary felt the same way I did about what Ittay had to say in his manuscript as did the rest of the acquisitions team at HarperCollins. 

And now, a year or so later, I’ve had the honour of holding Ittay’s debut book The Holy and the Broken in my hands and reading it in full. 

Now more than ever, while the horrors in Palestine continue to rage with no end in sight, is the time that Ittay’s hopeful message of peace and how it is attainable needs to be heard. But this book is so much more than a cry for peace. It’s a nuanced and objective look at the history of one of the most complex and longstanding conflicts of our time. 

It’s a book that’s full of stirring human stories and it’s also a portrait of Ittay’s life from being a teacher in Melbourne to becoming a leading peacemaker in Jerusalem. It’s profoundly empathetic, utterly compelling, informative, heartbreaking and healing all at once.

A must read for anyone who prays for the day we’ll see peace in the Holy Land and an even more important read for those who don’t.

Dr Anne Sarzin, Australian Academic 

Dreams are enshrined in the biblical literature of Jewish people; our patriarch Jacob dreamed of a ladder with angels ascending and descending, generating over thousands of years a multiplicity of interpretations. Jacob’s angels were emissaries of God,  bringing divine light from above and also demonstrating it is possible for our better angels to ascend to great heights.

Ittay Flescher, the Israeli-Australian author of The Holy and the Broken, also dreams of a pathway traversing the Holy Land, a potential road for peace leading Palestinians and Israelis through a landscape shared in harmony and safety. Who wouldn’t applaud such a dream if it were to be fulfilled in an ideal world?

This book will have its enthusiastic supporters as well as its antagonistic critics; it will stir controversy, trigger arguments and, potentially, generate new perspectives on old conflicts. If any or all of these responses
illuminate future pathways to peace, the author will have succeeded in his mission. 

Read in full on JWIRE

Denise Newton, Author 

The most moving section of the book for me was found in the two letters the author wrote to future Israeli and Palestinian teenagers, which come towards the end of the book. They beautifully encapsulate his vision for what the land he holds so dear could be like, ‘when there is peace.’

If, like me, you have been at a loss as to how to think about or discuss the Palestinian/Israeli conflict, or wish there was an alternative to the black-and-white rhetoric of much of the public debate on the issue, I urge you to read this book. It offers another perspective and a welcome glimmer of hope on an otherwise very dark horizon.

Read in full on Denise Newton Writes

Hannah Rozenblat, Jerusalem Post 

What comes across consistently throughout the book is the author’s sincerity and willingness to grapple with difficult issues and tough questions, bringing nuance to a complex subject. His quest for a better future for Israel is based on both personal experience and thorough knowledge of his subject.

Flescher’s is a voice of compassion and humanity, as he portrays the way October 7 and the ensuing war triggered memories of historic traumas for both Jews and Palestinians, of the Holocaust and the Nakba, of loss and displacement.

Read in full on Jpost


James Button, The Jewish Independent 

Even if one sees the Palestinian catastrophe as incomparably worse than the Israeli one, anybody serious about a resolution of this conflict has to reckon with the torments of both peoples. It’s a strategic necessity as much as a moral one. Peace will come when both sides not only see the other but see that the other sees them. This is a crucial insight from The Holy and the Broken. 

Seven months after October 7, Kids4Peace restarted: “the youth returned enthusiastically, albeit in smaller numbers than before.” It’s a joyous moment in the book. We’ll need many more of these kids, and many Ittay Fleschers, on the day, if it ever comes, when these two peoples finally turn their faces towards peace. 

Read in full at The Jewish Independent


Another way is possible

What has happened in the past must not be a recipe for the future 


“More ink has been spilled on the subject of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict than perhaps any other comparable issue. Often, the author wants to persuade the reader to preference the claims of one party over the other. With the attendant sin, sadly, of diminishing the histories, tragedies and hopes of either Palestinians or Israelis, in the hope of strengthening one party’s claims over the other. Ittay Flescher has written a remarkable new book that not only entirely resists such an approach, but does something genuinely new in the field of Israeli-Palestinian writing. 

In fusing history, personal and familial memoir—and in being among the first books to fully address the horrors of October 7th and the Israel/Gaza War— The Holy and the Broken breaks new ground. Yet what makes it truly singular is its consistent humanity, and its centring of ordinary Israelis and Palestinians. This book is at its most powerful when it richly draws each as legitimate stakeholders in this land’s painful history, and partners in shaping a more just and equitable shared future. The Holy and the Broken is an important contribution to that latter project, and to the greater understanding, empathy and comprehension that will be required from us all for it to succeed.”  

​​John Lyndon, Executive Director of the Alliance for Middle Peace (ALLMEP)

"The Holy and the Broken by Ittay Flescher is a powerful testament to the possibilities of reconciliation and mutual empathy during conflict. Drawing from his profound experiences in Jerusalem, Flescher skillfully weaves together history, cultural insight, and personal narrative to present a well-rounded picture of the region.What sets this book apart is its commitment to showcasing the experiences of the diverse individuals involved — especially the integral, yet frequently overlooked, stories of women. By highlighting the gender dynamics at play, Flescher enriches our understanding of the conflict and underscores the importance of supporting a world where more voices are heard and valued.This book is not just an informative read; it’s a heartfelt journey that challenges readers to consider the complexities of identity, memory, and coexistence. The Holy and the Broken is an important addition to the literature on the Middle East, offering a hopeful vision for a future built on mutual respect and shared humanity. It is a vital read for anyone committed to justice."

Sheila Katz, CEO, National Council of Jewish Women

"A book of rare insight and compassion, The Holy and the Broken offers the one thing we thought we’d lost after October 7: a glimmer of hope for meaningful lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians."

Bram Presser, Author of The Book of Dirt

"This is a thoughtful and thought-provoking book, heartfelt and honest. You do not need to agree with everything Flescher has to say to find the book moving and challenging."

Michael Gawenda, Editor in Chief of The Age from 1997 to 2004

"Ittay Flescher writes from the eye of the storm, Jerusalem. This is a smart, sensitive book that does justice to history, the present and also offers a future, a path to reconciliation and sustainable peace. This fascinating book written in fluid and friendly language is suitable for anyone who has chosen a side, sits on the fence or is looking for their own voice amidst the terrible news and the bloody conflict that has plagued us for over a hundred years. The book presents a broad, historical, cultural, theological and social picture and describes in fluent and clear language how we got here - and no less importantly how we can move forward to a better future. In these troubled days when we consume the news on social media, reading this important book is a breath of fresh air for the soul. When you finish it, you will not only know more about what’s happening between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, but you will also know more about yourself."

Maoz Inon, Israeli Peacemaker, and Social Entrepreneur

"When I picked this book up, I erroneously believed I already “understood” much about the ongoing, collective trauma of Palestinians and Israelis. But this thoughtful and deeply compassionate book shattered that illusion. It showed me exactly where, and how, biases and misunderstandings had taken root in my own mind, in my soul. It unpacked so much of what is wrong in the narratives I had accepted, and so much of what is right in narratives I had dismissed. By the time I put the book down, I was not the same person. And I am eternally grateful to Ittay for that. May we see each other fully, first as fellow human beings. May the hardest hearts soften, may the most intransigent be inspired to listen, to learn, and to hope. Thank you Ittay. May we see peace and justice in our days."

Miriam Anzovin, Creator of Daf Reactions and Jewish Lore Reactions

"This account of the writer’s devotion to peacebuilding in our war-torn region is a shining testament to what can and should be done by those who can imagine a future peace. It lights a candle in an age of darkness!"

Sari Nussebieh, author of Once Upon a Country: A Palestinian Life 

"Ittay Flescher’s book is as compelling as it is challenging and as contemporary as it is compassionate. In a world broken by war and polarisation, Ittay offers peaceful possibilities and nuanced perspectives. In an environment of fear and despair, he brings his personal experiences and considered convictions of courage and hope. This is no simplistic reading of the angst and complexities of Israeli-Palestinian politics and relationships, but rather a thoughtful and pragmatic analysis. A critical but caring and concise approach to the broken but sacred allure of this ancient land and its current climate."

Rabbi Ralph Genende OAM, Author of Living in an Upside-Down World

"Courageous and considered. Ittay nurtures the tender, fragile shoots of peace. The world could do with more people like him."

Paul Kelly, Australian singer-songwriter and guitarist

"At a moment when many are choosing sides, Ittay Flescher encourages us to choose humanity. He offers a vision of a shared future, grounded in his life's work of grassroots peacebuilding with Jewish, Muslim and Christian youth. This timely and extraordinary book offers something precious and much needed: hope."

Rabbi Angela Buchdahl

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